Inside The Cockpit Package Supersized


KRAUTKOSH23 - UPDATE #34 Inside The Cockpit Package Supersized


Chris here from Military Aviation History with the 34th update from the trip to Oshkosh 2023 you crowdfunded.

It is here, the penultimate batch of Inside the Cockpit’s from last years USA trip. There are really special ones in this list for you to enjoy, some of my favourites in fact. Above, you can find the link to a beautiful restored and flightworthy B-25 Mitchell bomber. Beyond that, I’ve got three episodes on some warbird classics right here:

SBD Dauntless | Inside the Cockpit:

P-47D Thunderbolt | Inside the Cockpit:

P-38 Lightning | Inside the Cockpit:

Big thank you to the folks at the CAF Minnesota Wing, CAF Georgia Wing, Aircrops Aviation and Fagen’s Fighters WW2 Museum for providing this unbelievable access to their machines.

Let me know what you think about these videos and thank you for making this project a reality!
