Light up the jet, we got fire to bomb

KRAUTKOSH23 - UPDATE #2 Light up the jet, we got fire to bomb

On my way to Oshkosh, I first hit up the Museum of Mountain Flying in Missoula, MT. There, I ran into something I had not seen before: a photo of a C-119 Boxcar converted to a firebomber (so far so good) with a jet engine on top (wait...what?!). Yup, imagine my surprise. I took a picture of a picture (…yes) and then filed that in the ol'nogging under curiosities I must look into. It’s quite a looker right?!

C-119 with two R-3350 and a Westinghouse J34

Lo-and-behold, I had a chance to check this curiosity out before I thought I would. Right there on my way East, I saw one standing at the Museum of Flight and Aerial Firefighting in Greybull, WY. My face says it all, wonderment, surprise and confusion.

Could I interest you in an additional 3400 lbs?

Suffice it to say, I just had to talk about it! Check out the Vlog by logging in on Shipshape here: