- KRAUTKOSH 2023 Updates
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The Big Show
KRAUTKOSH23 - UPDATE #20 The Big Show
Chris here from Military Aviation History with the twentieth update from the trip to Oshkosh 2023 you crowdfunded.
Two important items right up front! First off, you can find the "Vlog” chronicling the amazing show that Oshkosh is right here! You can view it directly above or via this URL link: https://youtu.be/mfiZ5kaIfP8
It is impossible to truly catch the scale of Oshkosh in a video but I think it will be clear from this episode what a fantastic event Kosh is!
B-26 Invader under the blue skies of South Dakota
Second, it has come to my attention that in at least one case a bug on Shipshape prevents access to some to the exclusive rewards. We are investigating this issue and fixing it. If this problem also prevents you from having access to the videos already uploaded, do let me know by replying to this email. If you log in on Shipshape here and can’t see Krautkosh under your supported campaigns or don’t have access to the videos, then something is off and we will get to fixing it for you:
Thank you for making this project a reality!