Submit Your Questions


KRAUTKOSH23 - UPDATE #33 Submit Your Questions


Chris here from Military Aviation History with the 33rd update from the trip to Oshkosh 2023 you crowdfunded.

Fond memories of Oshkosh 2023!

With the first Inside The Cockpits made possible by your support already out and about - and a few others available in early access - let me hand the microphone to you! If you have any questions regarding the trip, the Inside the Cockpit series, upcoming projects, the channel or more, reply directly to this email with them. I will be answering them and also aim to take a few on the channel and reply them “on camera” there.

In other news, four more Inside the Cockpits are basically done. Sadly Josh, our intrepid and talented cameraman and editor had to take a step back from work due to some health issues - but he is on the road to recovery and considers that the finishing touches should be done early Feb! Following that, another batch of four more episodes awaits you!

Once again, a big thank you to all of you for making this project a reality!
