American Gunslinger

KRAUTKOSH23 - UPDATE #28 American Gunslinger


Chris here from Military Aviation History with update number 28 from the trip to Oshkosh 2023 you crowdfunded.

I hope you all enjoyed the last update that launched us into the new season of Inside The Cockpit. Next up, the P-63 Kingcobra! Fast, heavily armed and with a very different design that many other fighters at the time, the Kingcobra sure is a looker. Join me as I jump inside one and show you the ins and outs of the aircraft. Initially produced as a (admittedly late) competitor to the P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang, the P-63 never got their chance to shine with the USAAF (except as targets, check out Pinball) but were instead send to the Soviet Union. But whether it’s about performance or firepower, this plane deserves to have its time in the spotlight!

Big thank you to the Legacy Flight Museum in Rexburg, ID for their hospitality and access to this machine.

Thank you for making this project a reality!
